home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- org x:$00
- list ; enable H221 variable listing
- ;;***********************************************************************
- control_word ds 1 ; isdn control word
- ; ***********************************
- ; b0 = H221 tx enable 0 = disabled
- ; b1 = tx CRC enable 0 = disabled
- ; b2 = tx mf count enable 0 = disabled
- ; b3 =
- ; b4 =
- ; b5 = current rx BAS OK 0 = not valid
- ; b6 = terminal alarm tx 0 = no alarm
- ; b7 = interrupt occurrence 0 = no
- ; b8 = isdn rx 0 = no rx
- ; b9 = rx enable 0 = enabled
- ; b10 = rx CRC enable 0 = disabled
- ; b11 = rx CRC error 0 = no error
- ; b12 = rx odd/even smf 0 = even
- ; b13 = frame alignment 0 = no
- ; b14 = multiframe alignment 0 = no
- ; b15 = terminal alarm rx 0 = no alarm
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ;;
- ;; Receive storage
- ;;
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- bas_faw_0 ds 1
- erc_faw_0 ds 1
- mf_align_wrd ds 1
- mf_count_rx ds 1
- ir ds 1
- faw_error_count ds 1
- mf_error_count ds 1
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ;;
- ;; Optimised CRC Check Storage
- ;;
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- crc_enable_cnt ds 1
- crc_disable_cnt ds 1
- isdn_count_rx ds 1
- rx_crc_store ds 1
- dc 0
- dc 8
- ir_shft ds 1 ; data resides in upper byte of word
- rx_crc_value_2 dc 12
- dc $0090
- rx_crc_data ds 1
- rx_crc_cnt_ptr ds 1
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ;;
- ;; Optimised rx even state storage
- ;;
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- decoded_bas_ptr ds 1
- bas_erc_faw_ptr ds 1
- rx_count_ptr ds 1
- org x:$0018 ; 8 word modulo buffer
- decoded_bas ds 8
- bas_erc_faw ds 17
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ;;
- ;; Optimised CRC test state storage
- ;;
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- crc_test_count ds 1
- crc_error_count ds 1
- end_count dc 100
- test_error_count dc 89
- crc_sorted ds 1
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ;;
- ;; Optimised BAS Error detect storage
- ;;
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- bas_erc_store ds 1
- mask dc $00d7
- error_ref_val dc 0
- dc 16
- count_check_2 ds 1
- temp_error ds 2
- r2_temp_2 ds 1
- error_store ds 1
- error_mask ds 1
- faw_true_bit_cnt ds 1
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ;;
- ;; BAS Error correct references
- ;;
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- single_error dc $009e ; for error 0001
- dc $004f ; position 0002
- dc $00cc ; 0004
- dc $0066 ; 0008
- dc $0033 ; 0010
- dc $00f2 ; 0020
- dc $0079 ; 0040
- dc $00d7 ; 0080
- bas_err_mask_0 dc $0001 ; these values are the x'or
- dc $0002 ; errors to be used upon the
- dc $0004 ; latest received DECODED BAS
- dc $0008 ; for a single error in the
- dc $0010 ; indicated position
- dc $0020 ; N.B. the b0 bit of the received
- dc $0040 ; BAS is taken to be the MSB for
- dc $0080 ; BAS CRC operation ==> an implied
- ; 'b0' errorin the error result
- ; is actually in b7
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- double_error_0 dc $00d1 ; for errors 0003
- dc $0052 ; in positions 0005
- dc $00f8 ; 0009
- dc $00ad ; 0011
- dc $006c ; 0021
- dc $00e7 ; 0041
- dc $0049 ; 0081
- bas_err_mask_1 dc $0003 ; these values are the x'or
- dc $0005 ; errors to be used upon the
- dc $0009 ; latest received DECODED BAS
- dc $0011 ; for double errors in the
- dc $0021 ; indicated positions
- dc $0041
- dc $0081
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- double_error_1 dc $0083 ; for errors 0006
- dc $0029 ; in positions 000a
- dc $007c ; 0012
- dc $00bd ; 0022
- dc $0036 ; 0042
- dc $0098 ; 0082
- dc $00ae ; 00c0
- bas_err_mask_2 dc $0006 ; these values are the x'or
- dc $000a ; errors to be used upon the
- dc $0012 ; DECODED BAS for double errors
- dc $0022 ; in the indicated positions
- dc $0042
- dc $0082
- dc $00c0
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- double_error_2 dc $00aa ; for errors 000c
- dc $00ff ; in positions 0014
- dc $003e ; 0024
- dc $00b5 ; 0044
- dc $001b ; 0084
- dc $008b ; 0060
- dc $0025 ; 00a0
- bas_err_mask_3 dc $000c ; these values are the x'or
- dc $0014 ; errors to be used upon the
- dc $0024 ; DECODED BAS for double errors
- dc $0044 ; in the indicated positions
- dc $0084
- dc $0060
- dc $00a0
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- double_error_3 dc $0055 ; for errors 0018
- dc $0094 ; in positions 0028
- dc $001f ; 0048
- dc $00b1 ; 0088
- dc $00c1 ; 0030
- dc $004a ; 0050
- dc $00e4 ; 0090
- bas_err_mask_4 dc $0018 ; these values are the x'or
- dc $0028 ; errors to be used upon the
- dc $0048 ; DECODED BAS for double errors
- dc $0088 ; in the indicated positions
- dc $0030
- dc $0050
- dc $0090
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- error_0001_mask dc $0001 ; error position mask
- bas_err_0001 dc $001e ; single BAS
- dc $00de ; error in position
- dc $00be ; 0001
- dc $008e
- dc $0096
- dc $009a
- dc $009c
- dc $009f
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- error_0002_mask dc $0002 ; error position mask
- bas_err_0002 dc $00cf ; single BAS
- dc $000f ; error in position
- dc $006f ; 0002
- dc $005f
- dc $0047
- dc $004b
- dc $004d
- dc $004e
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- error_0004_mask dc $0004 ; error position mask
- bas_err_0004 dc $004c ; single BAS
- dc $008c ; error in position
- dc $00ec ; 0004
- dc $00dc
- dc $00c4
- dc $00c8
- dc $00ce
- dc $00cd
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- error_0008_mask dc $0008 ; error position mask
- bas_err_0008 dc $00e6 ; single BAS
- dc $0026 ; error in position
- dc $0046 ; 0008
- dc $0076
- dc $006e
- dc $0062
- dc $0064
- dc $0067
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- error_0010_mask dc $0010 ; error position mask
- bas_err_0010 dc $00b3 ; single BAS
- dc $0073 ; error in position
- dc $0013 ; 0010
- dc $0023
- dc $003b
- dc $0037
- dc $0031
- dc $0032
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- error_0020_mask dc $0020 ; error position mask
- bas_err_0020 dc $0072 ; single BAS
- dc $00b2 ; error in position
- dc $00d2 ; 0020
- dc $00e2
- dc $00fa
- dc $00f6
- dc $00f0
- dc $00f3
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- error_0040_mask dc $0040 ; error position mask
- bas_err_0040 dc $00f9 ; single BAS
- dc $0039 ; error in position
- dc $0059 ; 0040
- dc $0069
- dc $0071
- dc $007d
- dc $007b
- dc $0078
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- error_0080_mask dc $0080 ; error position mask
- bas_err_0080 dc $0057 ; single BAS
- dc $0097 ; error in position
- dc $00f7 ; 0080
- dc $00c7
- dc $00df
- dc $00d3
- dc $00d5
- dc $00d6
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ;;
- ;; Transmit and Receive reference counts
- ;;
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- tx_count dc 0 ;
- crc_count dc 160
- dc 320
- dc 480
- dc 640
- dc 800
- dc 960
- dc 1120
- dc 0
- rx_count_0 dc 80 ; Pointer for the initial frame
- dc 240 ; and multiframe synchronisation
- dc 400
- dc 560
- dc 720
- dc 880
- dc 1040
- dc 1200
- dc 1280
- rx_count dc 15 ; Pointer to the end of each
- dc 175 ; H221 word for even submultiframe
- dc 335 ; receptions
- dc 495
- dc 655
- dc 815
- dc 975
- dc 1135
- first_rx dc 1280 ; This pointer ensures the correct
- dc 95 ; synchronisation of the receive
- dc 255 ; H221 state machine
- dc 415
- dc 575
- dc 735
- dc 895
- dc 1055
- dc 1215
- crc_bit_start dc 84 ; Pointer to the start of the
- dc 244 ; crc bit count window for H221
- dc 404 ; tx and rx
- dc 564
- dc 724
- dc 884
- dc 1044
- dc 1204
- crc_bit_end dc 87 ; Pointer to the end of the
- dc 247 ; crc bit count window for H221
- dc 407 ; tx and rx
- dc 567
- dc 727
- dc 887
- dc 1047
- dc 1207
- crc_end_smf dc 159 ; Pointer to the last byte of
- dc 319 ; each submultiframe.
- dc 479
- dc 639
- dc 799
- dc 959
- dc 1119
- dc 1279
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ;;
- ;; Transmit storage
- ;;
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- is_shft ds 1 ; data resides in the lower byte
- bas_data ds 1
- bas_state_ptr ds 1
- faw_state_ptr ds 1
- erc_state_ptr ds 1
- disable_crc_ptr ds 1
- enable_crc_ptr ds 1
- mfaw_data dc $0034
- mfaw_store ds 1
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ;;
- ;; Transmit State 0 optimised store
- ;;
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- tx_ref_count_ptr ds 1
- tx_0_val dc 15
- dc 1120
- dc 0
- mf_count_store ds 1
- mf_count ds 1
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ;;
- ;; Optimised tx CRC Storage
- ;;
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- isdn_count_tx ds 1
- tx_crc_store ds 1
- dc 0
- dc 8
- is ds 1 ; data resides in upper byte
- tx_crc_value_2 dc 12
- dc $0090
- tx_crc_data ds 1
- tx_crc_cnt_ptr ds 1
- ;;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ;;
- ;; Optimised BAS CRC Storage
- ;;
- ;;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- bas_store ds 1
- bas_mask dc $00d7
- erc_ref_val dc 0
- dc 16
- count_check ds 1
- temp_erc ds 2
- r2_temp ds 1
- erc_store ds 1
- ;;**********************************************************************
- nolist